얼마전에 번역하겠다고 했던 팀지침 번역분입니다.

그냥 제목만 언급되는 부분은 제외했으니, 혹시 필요하신 분은 영문을 그대로 읽어보시길 추천.


검은색 - 에펨온라인가이드 원문

붉은색 - 번역(※부분은 불확실한 부분에 대한 개인적인 의견)


스크린샷의 숫자와 팀지침 항목의 번호를 비교하면서 읽으시면 됩니다.
(미리 언급하지만, 내용에 나오는 단어들을 보면 more, less 등의 비교급 단어들이 많습니다. 즉, 상대적으로 증가하고 감소한다라고 이해해야 합니다. 예를 들어 다이렉트패스 슬라이드를 증가시키면 다이렉트패스 "빈도"를 증가시키는 겁니다. 무조건 다이렉트패스만 하는게 아닙니다)


그럼 시작.(초스압 주의)






Team Instructions


각각의 팀지침에 대해서 효과, 연관된 전술적 항목, 어디에서 영향을 받는가, 연관된 개인지침 등을 덧붙여서 설명하는데 그 각각의 영문 소제목들에 대한 설명.


팀지침의 항목 이름, 그리고 해당 항목의 효과-effects, 어디에서 영향을 받는가-affected by 까지 해석했음, 이외의 연관된 전술적 항목, 연관된 개인지침 등은 똑같은 내용의 반복이라서 제외했음. 좀 더 세부적으로 알고 싶다면 대충 훑어보는 것도 좋겠지만, 별로 특이하거나 중요한 내용은 없었다.


Provided below for team mentality, team shape and each specific team instruction, where relevant, are:


Effects - the effects of the team instruction on other team instructions and player instructions, and on individual instructions.

Related Tactical Methods - the tactical methods that are implemented as a result of the effects of the team instruction. Tactical methods are explained in the Tactical Theory guides. In particular, they are analysed in detail in the Attacking Methods, Control Methods and Defending Methods guides.

Affected By - the other tactical instructions that automatically affect the team instruction.

Related Player Instructions - player instructions that are similar and opposing to the team instruction. A similar player instruction fully or partially replicates a particular effect of the team instruction. It can be used instead of the team instruction in order to fully or partially replicate its effects, but for particular players rather than groups of players. This allows you to gain more control over which players use the related tactical method or methods to a greater extent. Alternatively, it can be used in addition to the team instruction to instruct particular players to use the method to an even greater extent. An opposing player instruction has an opposite effect to the team instruction. It can be used in combination with the team instruction to instruct particular players to use the related tactical method or methods to a relatively lesser extent.

Also provided for team mentality and team shape is:



1. Team Mentality


The main team mentalities that can be used, in order from more attacking to more defensive, are:

공격형 끝에서 수비형 끝까지 우선 팀성향은 이런 것들이 있다.






Standard (the mid-range team mentality that provides a balance between the more attacking and more defensive team mentalities)






In addition, there are two extreme team mentalities that are intended for use only where appropriate as part of match strategies (in particular match scenarios). These are:

추가적으로 (특수한 경우에 시도하는)두 개의 극단적인 성향이 있다.

Overload (extremely attacking)

극단적 공격형(익스트림리 어태킹!... 무슨 뜻인지 알겠지.)

Contain (extremely defensive)

견제형 (극단적 수비형)


1.1.1. Effects

Using a more attacking team mentality:

공격성향으로 갈수록

Increases the player mentality bar for all players (instructs all players to push up further and play with a higher risk approach).

모든 선수들의 성향바를 증가시킨다.(모든 선수들은 더 멀리 전진하고 위험을 무릅쓰는 경향이 높아진다)

Expands the team WIDTH slider (instructs all players to use width to a greater extent).

팀의 좌우폭을 넓힌다.(모든 선수들은 경기장을 더 넓게 사용한다)

Expands the team PASSING DIRECTNESS slider (for the attacking and overload team mentalities specifically).

팀의 패스가 좀 더 다이렉트한 경향이 높아진다.(공격형, 극단적 공격형의 경우에 두드러진다.)

Expands the player PASSING DIRECTNESS slider for most players with an attack duty (instructs the players to use a longer passing range). Players who are assigned any of the Deep-Lying Playmaker, Advanced Playmaker, Trequartista, Wide Playmaker and Ball Winning Midfielder roles are unaffected.

공격성향의 대부분 선수들은 좀 더 다이렉트한 패스를 하는 경향이 높아진다.(긴 패스를 하도록 한다.) 딮플메, 어플메, 트레콰, 와플메, 볼위닝 과 같은 역할의 선수는 영향을 받지 않는다.

Compresses the player PASSING DIRECTNESS slider for most players with a defend, stopper or cover duty (instructs the players to use a shorter passing range). Players who are assigned any of the Deep-Lying Playmaker, Advanced Playmaker, Trequartista, Wide Playmaker and Ball Winning Midfielder roles are unaffected.

수비성향의 선수들과 스토퍼,커버(센터백의 특수 성향)성향의 선수들은 다이렉트 패스 경향이 낮아진다.(짧은 패스를 하도록 한다.) 딮플메, 어플메, 트레콰, 와플메, 볼위닝 과 같은 역할의 선수는 영향을 받지 않는다.

Expands the team TEMPO slider (instructs all players to use high tempo play to a greater extent).

팀템포 성향을 증가시킨다.(모든 선수들이 더 높은 템포로 경기하도록 한다.)

Instructs players in more advanced playing positions to make roaming movement to a greater extent.

높은 위치에서 플레이하는 선수들이 더욱 더 주변을 배회하도록 한다.

Expands the player CLOSING DOWN slider for all players (instructs all players to close down earlier).

모든 선수들의 압박수치를 증가시킨다.(모든 선수들이 더 높은 위치부터 압박하도록 한다.)

Expands the team DEFENSIVE LINE slider (instructs players to use a higher line).

팀의 수비라인을 증가시킨다.(선수들이 더 높은 곳에 수비라인을 잡는다.)

Instructs all players to tackle harder.

모든 선수들이 강하게 태클을 한다.

The more attacking the team mentality is, the more pronounced these effects are.

팀 성향이 공격적일수록 더 영향을 받는다.


Using a more defensive team mentality:

수비성향으로 갈수록

Decreases the player mentality bar for all players (instructs all players to sit deeper and play with a lower risk approach).

모든 선수들의 성향을 감소시킨다.(모든 선수들은 더 낮게 자리잡으며 위험을 무릅쓰는 플레이를 하지 않는다.)

Compresses the team WIDTH slider (instructs all players to use width to a lesser extent and, therefore, to use wide support to a greater extent).

팀 좌우폭을 좁힌다.(모든 선수들은 경기장을 더 좁게 사용하며, 그로 인해 wide support를 더 많이(자주) 사용한다.)

wide support는 축구용어로 추측, 결론적으로 경기장 중앙을 더 사용한다는 의미인 듯.

Compresses the team PASSING DIRECTNESS slider (for the defensive and contain team mentalities specifically).

팀의 다이렉트패스 슬라이드를 줄인다.(수비형, 견제형 성향일 때 두드러진다.)

Expands the player PASSING DIRECTNESS slider for most players with a defend, stopper or cover duty (instructs the players to use a longer passing range). Players who are assigned any of the Deep-Lying Playmaker, Advanced Playmaker, Trequartista, Wide Playmaker and Ball Winning Midfielder roles are unaffected.

수비, 스토퍼, 커버성향의 선수들의 다이렉트패스 슬라이드가 증가한다.(더 긴 패스를 사용하도록 한다.) 딮플메, 어플메, 트레콰, 와플메, 볼위닝 과 같은 역할의 선수는 영향을 받지 않는다.

Compresses the player PASSING DIRECTNESS slider for most players with an attack duty (instructs the players to use a shorter passing range). Players who are assigned any of the Deep-Lying Playmaker, Advanced Playmaker, Trequartista, Wide Playmaker and Ball Winning Midfielder roles are unaffected.

공격성향의 선수들의 다이렉트패스 슬라이드가 감소한다.(더 짧은 패스를 사용하도록 한다.) 딮플메, 어플메, 트레콰, 와플메, 볼위닝 과 같은 역할의 선수는 영향을 받지 않는다.

Compresses the team TEMPO slider (instructs all players to use high tempo play to a lesser extent and, therefore, to use low tempo play to a greater extent).

팀 템포 슬라이드를 감소시킨다.(모든 선수들이 더 낮은 템포로 플레이하도록 한다.)

선수들에 따라서 템포가 다르게 설정되어 있는데 모든 선수들에게 일괄적으로 하나의 낮은 템포를 강제하는 것이 아닌, 비율적으로 템포를 감소시켜서 대부분의 선수들이 자신이 가지고 있는 기본 템포보다 상대적으로더 낮은 템포로 플레이하도록 하는 것을 의미.

Increases the team TIME WASTING bar (instructs all players to waste time to a greater extent).

시간보내기 슬라이드를 증가시킨다.(모든 선수들이 더 많은 시간 보내기를 하도록 한다.)

Instructs all players to use breaks more frequently (for the counter and defensive team mentalities specifically).

모든 선수들이 더 자주 휴식을 가지게 한다.(역습형과 수비형 성향에서 두드러진다.)

Instructs players in more advanced playing positions to make roaming movement to a lesser extent and, therefore, to make disciplined movement to a greater extent.

전방의 선수들이 자리를 배회하는 경향이 감소한다. 그로 인해 절제된 움직임을 하는 경향이 큰 폭으로 증가한다.

Compresses the player CLOSING DOWN slider for all players (instructs all players to close down later and, therefore, to sit off longer).

선수들의 압박 슬라이드를 감소시킨다.(모든 선수들이 압박을 늦게 시작합니다. , 더 오래 자리를 지킨다.)

Compresses the team DEFENSIVE LINE slider (instructs players to use a deeper line).

팀의 수비라인이 감소한다.(선수들이 낮은 수비라인을 사용한다.)

Instructs all players to tackle easier and, therefore, to hold off to a greater extent.

모든 선수들이 더 약한 태클을 한다. 그로 인해 더 오래 상대를 기다린다.(hold off)

The more defensive the team mentality is, the more pronounced these effects are.

팀 성향이 수비적일수록 더 영향을 받는다.


1.1.2. Related Tactical Methods

Using a more attacking team mentality:

Attacking methods


Pushing up (as a result of all players pushing up further).

Roaming movement - from players in more advanced playing positions.

Shorter passes - from most players who sit deeper (relative to teammates).

Longer passes - from most players who push up further (relative to teammates).

Focusing play (into wider areas, as a result of width and overloads).

Crosses (as a result of focusing play).

High tempo play.

Overloads (in wider areas, as a result of width).

Higher risk approach (forward runs (and, therefore, pushing up from the team), dribbles, risky passes (and, therefore, longer passes and through balls) and speculative shots are used to a slightly greater extent).

Control methods

Safe passes (as a result of shorter passes) - from most players who sit deeper (relative to teammates).

Defending methods

Compactness (retaining vertical compactness, as a result of pressing and higher line).

Pressing (as a result of all players closing down earlier).

Higher line.


Using a more defensive team mentality:

Attacking methods

Sitting deep (as a result of all players sitting deeper).

Shorter passes - from most players who push up further (relative to teammates).

Longer passes - from most players who sit deeper (relative to teammates).

Focusing play (into central areas, as a result of overloads).


Overloads (in central areas, as a result of wide support).

Lower risk approach (holding back (and, therefore, sitting deep from the team), and shorter passes and passes to player (as a result of safe passes) are used to a slightly greater extent).

Control methods

Wide support.

Sitting deep.

Disciplined movement - from players in more advanced playing positions.

Safe passes (as a result of shorter passes) - from most players who push up further (relative to teammates).

Low tempo play.

Time wasting.

Lower risk approach (sitting deep (as a result of holding back), refraining from dribbles, safe passes and refraining from shots are used to a slightly greater extent).

Defending methods

Compactness (horizontal compactness, as a result of wide support, and retaining vertical compactness, as a result of containment and deeper line).

Containment (as a result of all players closing down later).

Deeper line.

Holding off.


1.1.3. Tactical Suitability

A more attacking team mentality is suitable for:

더욱 공격적인 성향은 다음에 적합하다.

Higher risk attacking styles that use pushing up to a greater extent.

상대를 밀어붙이는 위험을 무릅쓰는 스타일.

More aggressive defending styles, such as high pressure defending.

높은 압박라인을 유지하는 격렬한 수비 스타일.


A more defensive team mentality is suitable for:

더욱 수비적인 성향은 다음에 적합하다.

Lower risk attacking styles that use sitting deep to a greater extent.

뒤로 물러서서 위험을 무릅쓰지 않는 스타일.

More cautious defending styles, such as low pressure defending.

낮은 압박라인을 가지는 조심스러운 수비 스타일.



2. Team Shape


The team shapes that can be used, in order from more fluid to more structured, are:

매우 유연하게부터 매우 조직적까지 이런 것들이 있다.


Very Fluid

매우 유연하게



Flexible (the mid-range team shape that provides a balance between the more fluid and more structured team shapes)




Highly Structured

매우 조직적


2.1.1. Effects

Using a more fluid team shape:

유연하게를 선택할수록

Gives players in deeper playing positions increased player mentality bars (instructs the players to push up further and play with a higher risk approach).

후방에 위치한 선수들의 성향을 상승시킨다.(선수들이 더 앞으로 전진하고 위험을 무릅쓰는 경향이 높아진다.)

Gives players in more advanced playing positions decreased player mentality bars (instructs the players to sit deeper and play with a lower risk approach).

전방에 위치한 선수들의 성향을 감소시킨다.(선수들을 뒤로 물러나게 하고 위험을 감수하지 않는다.)

Instructs all players to play with more creative freedom.선수들에게 더욱 더 창조적인 행동을 하게 한다.

Expands the player CLOSING DOWN slider for all players (instructs all players to close down earlier).

모든 선수들의 압박강도를 증가시킨다.(모든 선수들이 높은 지점부터 압박을 시작한다.)

The more fluid the team shape is, the more pronounced these effects are.

팀형태가 유연하게 설정될수록 더욱 영향을 받는다.


Using a more structured team shape:

조직적을 선택할수록

Gives players in deeper playing positions decreased player mentality bars (instructs the players to sit deeper and play with a lower risk approach).

후방에 위치한 선수들의 성향을 감소시킨다.(선수들이 뒤로 물러서서 안전하게 플레이한다.)

Gives players in more advanced playing positions increased player mentality bars (instructs the players to push up further and play with a higher risk approach).

전방에 위치한 선수들의 성향을 증가시킨다.(선수들이 더욱 앞으로 전진하고 위험을 무릅쓰는 경향이 높아진다.)

Instructs all players to play with less creative freedom and, therefore, to play with more discipline.

모든 선수들이 더 낮아진 창조적인 행동을 한다. , 절제된 움직임을 보인다.

Compresses the player CLOSING DOWN slider for all players (instructs all players to close down later and, therefore, to sit off longer).

모든 선수들의 압박강도를 감소시킨다.(모든 선수들이 늦게 압박을 시작한다, 즉 오랫동안 상대에게서 떨어져 있는다.)

The more structured the team shape is, the more pronounced these effects are.

팀형태가 조직적일수록 더욱 영향을 받는다.


2.1.2. Related Tactical Methods

Using a more fluid team shape:

Attacking methods

Attacking depth (more closely matching player mentality bars results in smaller horizontal channels between players).

Creative freedom.

Overloads (as a result of attacking depth and dynamic support).

Overlapping runs (as a result of attacking depth, forward runs, holding back and refraining from dribbles).

Overlapping dribbles (as a result of attacking depth, dribbles and and holding back).

Higher risk approach (forward runs, dribbles, risky passes (and, therefore, longer passes and through balls) and speculative shots are used to a slightly greater extent) - from players in deeper playing positions.

Lower risk approach (holding back, and shorter passes and passes to player (as a result of safe passes) are used to a slightly greater extent) - from players in more advanced playing positions.

Control methods

Attacking depth

Dynamic support (as a result of forward runs and holding back).

Lower risk approach (refraining from dribbles, safe passes and refraining from shots are used to a slightly greater extent) - from players in more advanced playing positions.

Defending methods

Defensive depth (as for attacking depth).

Compactness (vertical compactness, as a result of defensive depth, although pressing without a higher line reduces vertical compactness and, therefore, ensures an appropriate extent of vertical compactness is retained).

Pressing (as a result of all players closing down earlier).

Using a more structured team shape:

Attacking methods

Attacking depth (less closely matching player mentality bars results in larger horizontal channels between players).

Breaks (as a result of containment).

Higher risk approach (forward runs, dribbles, risky passes (and, therefore, longer passes and through balls) and speculative shots are used to a slightly greater extent) - from players in more advanced playing positions.

Lower risk approach (holding back, and shorter passes and passes to player (as a result of safe passes) are used to a slightly greater extent) - from players in deeper playing positions.

Control methods


Lower risk approach (refraining from dribbles, safe passes (and, therefore, shorter passes and passes to player) and refraining from shots are used to a slightly greater extent) - from players in deeper playing positions.

Defending methods

Compactness (vertical compactness, as a result of containment without a deeper line, although larger horizontal channels from defensive depth reduces vertical compactness and, therefore, ensures an appropriate extent of vertical compactness is retained).

Defensive depth (as for attacking depth).

Containment (as a result of all players closing down later).


2.1.3. Tactical Suitability

A more fluid team shape is suitable for:

유연한 형태일수록 다음에 적합하다.

More fluid tactical systems with greater role flexibility.

선수 역할이 유연한 전술 시스템.

More expressive attacking styles.

더욱 expressive 한 공격 스타일

아마도 공격스타일이 더 의도한대로 창조적이고 자유로워진다는 그런 의미인 듯.

More aggressive defending styles, such as high pressure defending.

높은 압박라인과 같은 격렬한 수비 스타일


A more structured team shape is suitable for:

조직적인 형태일수록 다음에 적합하다.

More structured tactical systems with greater role specialisation.

더욱 전문화(?)된 역할을 가진 조직적인 전술 시스템.

specialisation 의 해석에 따라서 조금씩 뉘앙스가 달라질 수 있을 듯.

More disciplined attacking styles.

더욱 조직적인 공격 스타일.

More cautious defending styles, such as low pressure defending.

낮은 압박라인과 같은 조심스러운 수비 스타일.



3. Specific Team Instructions

3.1. Tempo


3.1.1. Effects

Increasing (or expanding) the team TEMPO slider, e.g. to Higher or Much Higher:

Instructs all players to use high tempo play to a greater extent.

The more the slider is increased or expanded, the more pronounced this effect is.

템포 슬라이더를 증가시키면(늘리면) 더욱, 최대로.

모든 선수들이 높은 템포로 플레이한다.

더 올리면 더 영향을 받는다. -_-


Decreasing (or compressing) the team TEMPO slider, e.g. to Lower or Much Lower:

Instructs all players to use high tempo play to a lesser extent and, therefore, to use low tempo play to a greater extent.

The more the slider is decreased or compressed, the more pronounced this effect is.

낮아지면 낮아진다는 똑같은 소리.

이하 동일.


3.1.2. Related Tactical Methods

Increasing (or expanding) the team TEMPO slider:

Attacking methods

High tempo play.

Decreasing (or compressing) the team TEMPO slider:

Control methods

Low tempo play.

Time wasting (as a result of low tempo play).



3.1.3. Affected By

어디에서 영향을 받나

Team mentality - using a more attacking team mentality expands the team TEMPO slider. Using a more defensive team mentality compresses the team TEMPO slider.

팀성향 - 공격적인 성향을 사용할수록 팀템포가 증가한다. 수비적인 성향은 당연히 템포 낮춘다.

Take A Breather - compresses the team TEMPO slider if Normal is selected.

공을 천천히 돌려라 - 팀템포를 낮춘다, 만약 기본이 설정되어 있다면.

Passing directness - increasing (or expanding) the team PASSING DIRECTNESS slider expands the team TEMPO slider. Decreasing (or compressing) the team PASSING DIRECTNESS slider compresses the team TEMPO slider.

다이렉트패스 하라 - 다이렉트패스 슬라이드를 증가시키면, 팀템포도 증가한다. 다이렉트패스를 낮추면 팀템포도 낮아진다.

Retain Possession - compresses the team TEMPO slider.

볼 점유에 집중하라 - 팀템포를 낮춘다.



3.2. Take A Breather

공을 천천히 돌려라.

Take A Breather is only available when using the contain, defensive, counter, standard or control team mentalities.

공을 천천히 돌려라. 명령어는 견제형, 수비형, 역습형, 일반형, 혹은 지배형 성향에서 사용가능하다.


3.2.1. Effects

Compresses the team TEMPO slider if Normal is selected (instructs all players to use high tempo play to a lesser extent and, therefore, to use low tempo play to a greater extent).

팀템포를 낮춘다. 만약 기본이 설정되어 있다면.(모든 선수들이 더 낮은 템포로 경기한다.)

Instructs all players to make forward runs to a lesser extent and, therefore, to hold back to a greater extent.

모든 선수들의 전방으로 전진하는 경향을 낮춘다. , 더욱 후방에서 자리를 지키도록 한다.


3.2.2. Related Tactical Methods

Attacking methods

Sitting deep (as a result of all players holding back to a greater extent).

Breaks (as a result of sitting deep).

Control methods

Sitting deep.

Low tempo play.

Time wasting (as a result of sitting deep and low tempo play).


3.2.3. Related Player Instructions

Similar player instructions - Hold Position.

Opposing player instructions - Get Further Forward.



3.3. Play Even Safer

더욱 안전하게 플레이하라

Play Even Safer is only available when using the contain team mentality.

오직 견제형 성향에서만 사용가능하다.


3.3.1. Effects

Instructs most players to make forward runs to a lesser extent and, therefore, to hold back to a greater extent. Players in the striker position are unaffected.

대부분의 선수들이 잔방으로 전진하는 경향을 낮춘다. , 더욱 후방에서 자리를 지키도록 한다. , 공격수 위치는 제외.

Instructs most players to make dribbles less frequently. Players in the striker position are unaffected.

대부분의 선수들의 드리블 경향을 낮춘다. , 공격수 포지션은 제외.

Instructs most players to make risky passes less frequently and, therefore, to make safe passes more frequently. Players in the striker position are unaffected.

대부분의 선수들이 위험한 패스(스루패스)를 하는 경향을 낮춘다. , 안전한 패스를 더욱 자주 한다. , 공격수 위치는 제외.


3.3.2. Related Tactical Methods

Attacking methods

Sitting deep (as a result of most players holding back to a greater extent).

Holding back - from all players, except players in the striker position.

Hold-up play (as a result of refraining from dribbles) - from all players, except players in the striker position.

Shorter passes (as a result of safe passes) - from all players, except players in the striker position.

Passes to player (as a result of holding back and safe passes) - from and to all players, except players in the striker position.

Control methods

Sitting deep.

Hold-up play - from all players, except players in the striker position.

Refraining from dribbles - from all players, except players in the striker position.

Safe passes - from all players, except players in the striker position.

Time wasting (as a result of sitting deep, hold-up play, refraining from dribbles and safe passes).


3.3.3. Related Player Instructions

Similar player instructions - Hold Position, Dribble Less, Fewer Risky Passes.

Opposing player instructions - Get Further Forward, Dribble More, More Risky Passes.



3.4. Take More Risks

더욱 위험을 감수하는 플레이를 하라.

Take More Risks is only available when using the overload team mentality.

해당 지침은 오직 극단적 공격 성향에서만 사용 가능.


3.4.1. Effects

Instructs players with an attack or support duty to make forward runs to a greater extent.

공격, 지원 성향의 선수들이 더욱 앞으로 전진한다.

Instructs players with an attack or support duty to make dribbles more frequently.

공격, 지원 성향의 선수들이 더욱 높은 드리블 빈도를 가진다.

Instructs players with an attack or support duty to make risky passes more frequently and, therefore, to make longer passes and through balls more frequently.

공격, 지원 성향의 선수들이 더욱 자주 위험한 패스를 시도한다. , 긴 패스와 쓰루패스를 자주 시도한다.


3.4.2. Related Tactical Methods

Attacking methods

Pushing up (as a result of most players making forward runs to a greater extent).

Forward runs - from players who push up further.

Dribbles - from players who push up further.

Risky passes (longer passes and through balls) - from players who push up further.

Overloads (in advanced areas, as a result of dynamic support).

Control methods

Dynamic support (in advanced areas, as a result of forward runs).


3.4.3. Related Player Instructions

Similar player instructions - Get Further Forward, Dribble More, More Risky Passes.

Opposing player instructions - Hold Position, Dribble Less, Fewer Risky Passes.



3.5. Time Wasting

시간 보내기


3.5.1. Effects

Increasing the team TIME WASTING bar:

팀의 시간보내기 바를 증가시킴으로써

Instructs all players to waste time to a greater extent.

모든 선수들이 더욱 시간을 보낸다.

The more the bar is increased, the more pronounced this effect is.

바를 증가시킬수록 더욱 영향을 받는다.

The team TIME WASTING bar cannot be adjusted manually. It is determined by the team mentality and can be increased by using a more defensive team mentality.

팀의 시간보내기 바는 임의로 조작할 수 없다. 팀성향에 따라서 자동으로 조절되며, 수비적인 성향일 때 더욱 증가한다.


3.5.2. Related Tactical Methods

Control methods

Time wasting.


3.5.3. Affected By

Team mentality - using a more defensive team mentality increases the team TIME WASTING bar.



3.6. Waste Time

시간을 보내라.

Waste Time is only available when using the defensive or contain team mentalities.

시간을 보내라는 오직 수비형, 견제형 성향에서 선택 가능하다.


3.6.1. Effects

Instructs all players to waste time to a greater extent.

모든 선수들이 더욱 시간을 보낸다.


3.6.2. Related Tactical Methods

Control methods

Time wasting.



3.7. Width



3.7.1. Effects

Increasing (or expanding) the team WIDTH slider, e.g. to Fairly Wide or Wide:

좌우폭을 증가시킴으로써,

Instructs all players to use width to a greater extent.

모든 선수들이 더욱 넓게 경기장을 사용하도록 한다.

The more the slider is increased or expanded, the more pronounced this effect is.

슬라이드가 증가할수록 더 영향을 받는다.

Decreasing (or compressing) the team WIDTH slider, e.g. to Fairly Narrow or Narrow:

좌우폭을 감소시킴으로써,

Instructs all players to use width to a lesser extent and, therefore, to use wide support to a greater extent.

모든 선수들이 더욱 경기장을 좁게 사용한다. "wide support"를 더욱 사용한다.

The more the slider is decreased or compressed, the more pronounced this effect is.

슬라이드가 감소할수록 더 영향을 받는다.


3.7.2. Related Tactical Methods

Increasing (or expanding) the team WIDTH slider:

Attacking methods


Focusing play (into wider areas, as a result of width and overloads).

Crosses (as a result of focusing play).

Overloads (in wider areas, as a result of width).

Decreasing (or compressing) the team WIDTH slider:

Attacking methods

Focusing play (into central areas, as a result of overloads).

Overloads (in central areas, as a result of wide support).

Control methods

Wide support.

Time wasting (as a result of wide support).

Defending methods

Compactness (horizontal compactness, as a result of wide support).


3.7.3. Affected By

어디에서 영향을 받나.

Team mentality - using a more attacking team mentality expands the team WIDTH slider. Using a more defensive team mentality compresses the team WIDTH slider.

팀성향 - 공격적 팀성향은 팀이 좌우폭을 넓힌다. 당연히 수비적인 팀성향은 좌우폭을 좁힌다.

Passing directness - increasing (or expanding) the team PASSING DIRECTNESS slider expands the team WIDTH slider. Decreasing (or compressing) the team PASSING DIRECTNESS slider compresses the team WIDTH slider.

다이렉트 패스 - 다이렉트패스 슬라이드를 증가시키면 팀의 좌우폭도 넓어진다. 반대는 반대.


3.7.4. Related Player Instructions

Increasing (or expanding) the team WIDTH slider:

Similar player instructions - Stay Wider.

Opposing player instructions - Sit Narrower.

Decreasing (or compressing) the team WIDTH slider:

Similar player instructions - Sit Narrower.

Opposing player instructions - Stay Wider.



3.8. Defensive Line



3.8.1. Effects

Increasing (or expanding) the team DEFENSIVE LINE slider, e.g. to Slightly Higher or Higher:

수비라인을 올리면,

Instructs players to use a higher line.

선수들이 높이 자리잡는다.

Expands the player CLOSING DOWN slider for all players (instructs all players to close down earlier).

모든 선수들의 압박강도 슬라이드를 증가시킨다.(선수들이 더 높은 위치에서 압박을 시작한다.)

The more the slider is increased or expanded, the more pronounced these effects are.

높은 수비라인 슬라이드일수록 더욱 영향을 받는다.


Decreasing (or compressing) the team DEFENSIVE LINE slider, e.g. to Slightly Deeper or Deeper:

수비라인을 낮추면,

Instructs players to use a deeper line.

선수들이 낮게 자리잡는다.

Compresses the player CLOSING DOWN slider for all players (instructs all players to close down later and, therefore, to sit off longer).

모든 선수들의 압박강도가 줄어든다.(모든 선수들이 더 낮은 위치에서 압박을 시작한다. , 더 압박하지 않고 더 오래 대기한다.)

The more the slider is decreased or compressed, the more pronounced these effects are.

당연히 낮을수록 영향 더 받는다.


3.8.2. Related Tactical Methods

Increasing (or expanding) the team DEFENSIVE LINE slider:

Defending methods

Compactness (retaining vertical compactness, as a result of pressing and higher line).

Pressing (as a result of all players closing down earlier).

Higher line.

Decreasing (or compressing) the team DEFENSIVE LINE slider:

Attacking methods

Breaks (as a result of containment).

Defending methods

Compactness (retaining vertical compactness, as a result of containment and deeper line).

Containment (as a result of all players closing down later).

Deeper line.


3.8.3. Affected By

어디에서 영향을 받는가

Team mentality - using a more attacking team mentality expands the team DEFENSIVE LINE slider. Using a more defensive team mentality compresses the team DEFENSIVE LINE slider.

팀성향 - 팀성향이 증가할수록 팀 수비라인 슬라이드도 증가한다. 팀성향이 낮아질수록 팀 수비라인 슬라이드도 낮아진다.

Closing down - increasing (or expanding) the team CLOSING DOWN slider expands the team DEFENSIVE LINE slider. Decreasing (or compressing) the team CLOSING DOWN slider compresses the team DEFENSIVE LINE slider.

압박 - 팀 압박수준을 증가시키면 팀 수비라인 슬라이드도 증가한다. 반대는 반대.


3.8.4. Related Player Instructions

Increasing (or expanding) the team DEFENSIVE LINE slider:

Similar player instructions - increasing the player CLOSING DOWN slider.

Opposing player instructions - decreasing the player CLOSING DOWN slider.

Decreasing (or compressing) the team DEFENSIVE LINE slider:

Similar player instructions - decreasing the player CLOSING DOWN slider.

Opposing player instructions - increasing the player CLOSING DOWN slider.



3.9. Use Offside Trap

오프사이드 트랩


3.9.1. Effects

Instructs players to use the offside trap more frequently.

선수들이 더욱 자주 오프사이드 트랩을 사용하도록 한다.


3.9.2. Related Tactical Methods

Defending methods

Offside trap.



3.10. Closing Down



3.10.1. Effects

Increasing (or expanding) the team CLOSING DOWN slider, e.g. to More or Much More:

압박 슬라이드를 증가시키면,

Expands the player CLOSING DOWN slider for all players (instructs all players to close down earlier).

모든 선수들의 압박 슬라이드를 증가시킨다.(모든 선수들이 더 높은 곳에서부터 압박을 시작한다.)

Expands the team DEFENSIVE LINE slider (instructs players to use a higher line).

팀의 수비라인을 올린다.(선수들이 높은 수비라인을 잡도록 한다.)

The more the slider is increased or expanded, the more pronounced these effects are.

슬라이드를 더욱 증가시킬수록 더욱 영향을 받는다.


Decreasing (or compressing) the team CLOSING DOWN slider, e.g. to Less or Much Less:

압박 슬라이드를 낮추면,

Compresses the player CLOSING DOWN slider for all players (instructs all players to close down later and, therefore, to sit off longer).

모든 선수들의 압박 슬라이드를 감소시킨다.(모든 선수들이 더 늦게 압박을 시작한다. , 더 오래 원래 자리를 지킨다.)

Compresses the team DEFENSIVE LINE slider (instructs players to use a deeper line).

팀의 수비라인을 낮춘다.(선수들이 낮은 수비라인을 잡도록 한다.)

The more the slider is decreased or compressed, the more pronounced these effects are.

슬라이드를 더욱 감소시킬수록 더욱 영향을 받는다.


3.10.2. Related Tactical Methods

Increasing (or expanding) the team CLOSING DOWN slider:

Defending methods

Compactness (retaining vertical compactness, as a result of pressing and higher line).

Pressing (as a result of all players closing down earlier).

Higher line.

Decreasing (or compressing) the team CLOSING DOWN slider:

Attacking methods

Breaks (as a result of containment).

Defending methods

Compactness (retaining vertical compactness, as a result of containment and deeper line).

Containment (as a result of all players closing down later).

Deeper line.


3.10.3. Affected By

어디에서 영향을 받는가.

Team mentality - using a more attacking team mentality expands the player CLOSING DOWN slider (and, therefore, expands the team CLOSING DOWN slider). Using a more defensive team mentality compresses the player CLOSING DOWN slider (and, therefore, compresses the team CLOSING DOWN slider).

팀성향 - 더욱 공격적인 성향일수록 선수들의 압박 슬라이드를 증가시킨다.(, 팀 압박 슬라이드를 증가시킨다.) 더욱 수비적인 성향일수록 선수들의 압박 슬라이드를 줄인다.(, 팀 압박 슬라이드를 줄인다.)

Team shape - a more fluid team shape expands the player CLOSING DOWN slider for all players (and, therefore, expands the team CLOSING DOWN slider). A more structured team shape compresses the player CLOSING DOWN slider for all players (and, therefore, compresses the team CLOSING DOWN slider).

팀형태 - 더욱 유연한 팀형태일수록 모든 선수들의 압박 슬라이드를 증가시킨다.(, 팀 압박 슬라이드를 증가시킨다.) 더욱 조직적인 팀형태일수록 모든 선수들의 압박 슬라이드를 줄인다.(, 팀 압박 슬라이드를 줄인다.)

Defensive line - increasing (or expanding) the team DEFENSIVE LINE slider expands the player CLOSING DOWN slider for all players (and, therefore, expands the team CLOSING DOWN slider). Decreasing (or compressing) the team DEFENSIVE LINE slider compresses the player CLOSING DOWN slider for all players (and, therefore, compresses the team CLOSING DOWN slider).

수비라인 - 수비라인 슬라이드를 증가시킬수록(올릴수록) 모든 선수들의 압박 슬라이드를 증가시킨다.(, 팀 압박 슬라이드를 증가시킨다.) 수비라인 슬라이드를 줄일수록(낮출수록) 모든 선수들의 압박 슬라이드를 줄인다.(, 팀 압박 슬라이드를 줄인다.)

Closing down - the team CLOSING DOWN slider and player CLOSING DOWN sliders are linked. Therefore, increasing (or expanding) the player CLOSING DOWN slider for one or more players increases the team CLOSING DOWN slider.

압박수비 - 팀 압박 슬라이드와 선수의 압박 슬라이드는 연결되어 있다. 한명이상의 선수들의 압박 슬라이드를 증가시키면 팀의 압박 슬라이드를 증가시킨다.


3.10.4. Related Player Instructions

Increasing (or expanding) the team DEFENSIVE LINE slider:

Similar player instructions - increasing the player CLOSING DOWN slider.

Opposing player instructions - decreasing the player CLOSING DOWN slider.

Decreasing (or compressing) the team DEFENSIVE LINE slider:

Similar player instructions - decreasing the player CLOSING DOWN slider.

Opposing player instructions - increasing the player CLOSING DOWN slider.



3.11. Prevent Short GK Distribution

골키퍼 짧은 거리 분배 방지

3.11.1. Effects

Instructs players in the striker and winger positions to man mark opposition defenders when the opposition goalkeeper has the ball.

상대 골키퍼가 공을 가지고 있을 때 공격수 포지션과 윙포워드 포지션에 있는 선수들이 상대 수비수들을 대인마크하도록 한다.


3.11.2. Related Tactical Methods

Defending methods

Pressing (through man marking of opposition defenders when the opposition goalkeeper has the ball) - from players in the striker and winger positions.

Man marking (of opposition defenders when the opposition goalkeeper has the ball) - from players in the striker and winger positions.



3.12. Use Tighter Marking

엄격하게 마크하라

3.12.1. Effects

Instructs all players to use tight marking to a greater extent when marking.

모든 선수들이 상대 선수를 방어할 때 더욱 근접해서 수비를 한다.


3.12.2. Related Tactical Methods

Defending methods

Tight marking.


3.12.3. Related Player Instructions

Similar player instructions - Mark Tighter.



3.13. Get Stuck In

태클을 아끼지 마라


3.13.1. Effects

Instructs all players to tackle harder.

모든 선수들이 태클을 더욱 강하게 하도록 한다.


3.13.2. Related Tactical Methods

Defending methods



3.13.3. Related Player Instructions

Similar player instructions - Tackle Harder.

Opposing player instructions - Ease Off Tackles.



3.14. Stay On Feet

서서 수비하라.(발로 서라, 즉 태클할 때 슬라이딩 태클을 하지마라는 의미.)


3.14.1. Effects

Instructs all players to tackle easier and, therefore, to hold off to a greater extent.

모든 선수들이 태클을 약하게 하도록 한다. , 자리를 잡고 상대를 더욱 오래 기다린다.


3.14.2. Related Tactical Methods

Defending methods

Holding off.


3.14.3. Related Player Instructions

Similar player instructions - Ease Off Tackles.

Opposing player instructions - Tackle Harder.



3.15. Clear Ball To Flanks

측면으로 공을 걷어내라.


3.15.1. Effects

Expands the player PASSING DIRECTNESS slider for players in the sweeper, centre back, full back, wing back and defensive midfielder positions (instructs the players to use a longer passing range).

스위퍼, 센터백, 풀백, 윙백, 그리고 수비형미드필더 포지션의 선수들의 다이렉트한 패스 슬라이드를 증가시킨다.(, 선수들이 더 긴 패스를 사용한다.)

Instructs all players to focus play into wider areas to a large extent.

모든 선수들이 더욱 넓은 영역을 활용하도록 한다.


3.15.2. Related Tactical Methods

Attacking methods

Longer passes - from players in the sweeper, centre back, full back, wing back and defensive midfielder positions.

Focusing play (into wider areas).

Crosses (as a result of focusing play).

Control methods

Time wasting (as a result of longer passes and focusing play).


3.15.3. Related Player Instructions

Similar player instructions - increasing the player PASSING DIRECTNESS slider.

Opposing player instructions - decreasing the player PASSING DIRECTNESS slider.



3.16. Pump Ball Into Box

페널티박스로 공을 보내라.


3.16.1. Effects

Instructs players in the attacking midfielder and striker positions to make forward runs to a greater extent.

공격수 포지션과 공미 포지션에 있는 선수들을 중앙으로 더욱 전진하도록 한다.

Expands the player PASSING DIRECTNESS slider for most players (instructs the players to use a longer passing range). Players in the attacking midfielder or striker positions, or assigned any of the Deep-Lying Playmaker, Regista, Advanced Playmaker and Inside Forward roles, are unaffected.

대부분의 선수들의 다이렉트패스 슬라이드를 증가시킨다.(선수들이 더 긴 패스를 사용하도록 한다.) 공미 포지션의 선수나 공격수 포지션, 그리고 딮라잉플레이메이커, 레지스타, 어드밴스드플레이메이커, 인사이드포워드 와 같은 역할들은 제외.

Instructs players in the full back and wing back positions to make crosses more frequently.

풀백과 윙백 포지션의 선수들이 더욱 자주 크로스를 올리도록 한다.

Instructs all players to focus play into central areas to a large extent.

모든 선수들이 경기장 중앙 구역을 활용하도록 한다.


3.16.2. Related Tactical Methods

Attacking methods

Forward runs - from players in the attacking midfielder and striker positions.

Longer passes - from most players not in the attacking midfielder or striker positions.

Focusing play (into central areas).

Crosses - from players in the full back and wing back positions.

Overloads (in advanced central areas, as a result of dynamic support).

Control methods

Dynamic support (in advanced central areas, as a result of forward runs).


3.16.3. Related Player Instructions

Similar player instructions - Get Further Forward, increasing the player PASSING DIRECTNESS slider, Cross More Often.

Opposing player instructions - Hold Position, decreasing the player PASSING DIRECTNESS slider, Cross Less Often.



3.17. Exploit The Left Flank

왼쪽 측면을 노려라.


3.17.1. Effects

Increases the player mentality bar for players in left-sided wide playing positions (instructs the players to push up further and play with a higher risk approach).

왼쪽 측면에서 활동하는 선수들의 성향을 증가시킨다.(선수들이 왼쪽을 더욱 밀어붙이도록 하며, 위험을 무릅쓰도록 한다.)

Push up 이 공격적으로 더욱 전진한다는 의미인 것 같은데, 이게 아래에 나오는 make forward runs 와 어떻게 다른지는 정확히 모르겠다. 아마도 Forward runs 는 공격수처럼 침투의 뉘앙스인 것 같다.

Instructs players in left-sided wide playing positions to make forward runs to a greater extent.

왼쪽 측면에서 활동하는 선수들이 더욱 앞으로 전진한다.

Instructs players in left-sided wide playing positions to make crosses more frequently.

왼쪽 측면에서 활동하는 선수들이 더욱 자주 크로스를 올린다.

Instructs all players to focus play into wider areas on the left to a large extent.

모든 선수들이 더욱 왼쪽 측면을 활용하도록 한다.


3.17.2. Related Tactical Methods

Attacking methods

Attacking depth (pushing up further) - from players in left-sided wide playing positions.

Forward runs - from players in left-sided wide playing positions.

Focusing play (into wider areas on the left).

Crosses - from players in left-sided wide playing positions.

Overloads (in advanced wider areas on the left, as a result of attacking depth and dynamic support).

Higher risk approach (forward runs, dribbles, risky passes (and, therefore, longer passes and through balls) and speculative shots are used to a slightly greater extent) - from players in left-sided wide playing positions.

Control methods

Dynamic support (in advanced wider areas on the left, as a result of forward runs).

Defending methods

Defensive depth (as for attacking depth).


3.17.3. Related Player Instructions

Similar player instructions - increasing the player mentality bar, Get Further Forward, Cross More Often.

Opposing player instructions - decreasing the player mentality bar, Hold Position,

Cross Less Often.



3.18. Exploit The Right Flank

오른쪽 측면을 노려라.


3.18.1. Effects

Increases the player mentality bar for players in right-sided wide playing positions (instructs the players to push up further and play with a higher risk approach).

오른쪽 측면에서 활동하는 선수들의 성향을 증가시킨다.(선수들이 오른쪽을 더욱 밀어붙이도록 하며, 위험을 무릅쓰도록 한다.)

Instructs players in right-sided wide playing positions to make forward runs to a greater extent.

오른쪽 측면에서 활동하는 선수들이 더욱 앞으로 전진한다.

Instructs players in right-sided wide playing positions to make crosses more frequently.

오른쪽 측면에서 활동하는 선수들이 더욱 자주 크로스를 올린다.

Instructs all players to focus play into wider areas on the right to a large extent.

모든 선수들이 더욱 오른쪽 측면을 활용하도록 한다.


3.18.2. Related Tactical Methods

Attacking methods

Attacking depth (pushing up further) - from players in right-sided wide playing positions.

Forward runs - from players in right-sided wide playing positions.

Focusing play (into wider areas on the right).

Crosses - from players in right-sided wide playing positions.

Overloads (in advanced wider areas on the right, as a result of attacking depth and dynamic support).

Higher risk approach (forward runs, dribbles, risky passes (and, therefore, longer passes and through balls) and speculative shots are used to a slightly greater extent) - from players in right-sided wide playing positions.

Control methods

Dynamic support (in advanced wider areas on the right, as a result of forward runs).

Defending methods

Defensive depth (as for attacking depth).


3.18.3. Related Player Instructions

Similar player instructions - increasing the player mentality bar, Get Further Forward, Cross More Often.

Opposing player instructions - decreasing the player mentality bar, Hold Position, Cross Less Often.



3.19. Exploit The Middle

중앙을 노려라.

3.19.1. Effects

Increases the player mentality bar for players in the sweeper, centre back and defensive midfielder positions, and players in the centre midfielder position with a defend duty (instructs the players to push up further and play with a higher risk approach).

스위퍼, 센터백, 수미 포지션의 선수들, 그리고 중앙미드필드 포지션의 방어역할 선수들의 성향을 증가시킨다.(선수들을 더욱 멀리 밀어붙이도록 하며 위험을 무릅쓰도록 한다.)

Instructs players in more advanced central playing positions to make forward runs to a greater extent.

전방의 중앙 포지션의 선수들이 더욱 전진하도록 한다.

Instructs players in the wide midfielder and winger positions to make forward runs to a lesser extent and, therefore, to hold back to a greater extent.

측미와 윙포워드 포지션의 선수들이 앞으로 전진하지 않도록 한다.

Instructs players in the centre back and defensive midfielder positions, and players in the centre midfielder position with a defend duty, to make through balls more frequently.

센터백, 수미 포지션의 선수들, 그리고 중앙미드필드 포지션의 방어역할 선수들이 더욱 자주 스루패스를 하도록 한다.

Instructs all players to focus play into central areas to a large extent.

모든 선수들이 더욱 중앙을 활용하도록 한다.


3.19.2. Related Tactical Methods

Attacking methods

Attacking depth (pushing up further) - from players in the sweeper, centre back and defensive midfielder positions, and players in the centre midfielder position who sit deeper.

Forward runs - from players in more advanced central playing positions.

Holding back - from players in the wide midfielder and winger positions.

Through balls - from players in the centre back and defensive midfielder positions, and players in the centre midfielder position who sit deeper.

Passes to player (as a result of holding back) - to players in the wide midfielder and winger positions.

Focusing play (into central areas).

Overloads (in advanced central areas, as a result of attacking depth and dynamic support).

Higher risk approach (forward runs, dribbles, risky passes (and, therefore, longer passes and through balls) and speculative shots are used to a slightly greater extent) - from players in the centre back and defensive midfielder positions, and players in the centre midfielder position who sit deeper.

Control methods

Dynamic support (in advanced central areas, as a result of forward runs).

Defending methods

Compactness (vertical compactness in central areas, as a result of defensive depth).

Defensive depth (as for attacking depth).


3.19.3. Related Player Instructions

Similar player instructions - increasing the player mentality bar, Get Further Forward, Hold Position, More Risky Passes.

Opposing player instructions - decreasing the player mentality bar, Hold Position, Get Further Forward, Fewer Risky Passes.



3.20. Play Out Of Defence

수비진영에서 침착하게 패스해라.


3.20.1. Effects

Compresses the player PASSING DIRECTNESS slider for players in the sweeper, centre back, full back, wing back and defensive midfielder positions (instructs the players to use a shorter passing range).

스위퍼, 센터백, 풀백, 윙백, 그리고 수미 포지션의 선수들의 다이렉트패스 슬라이드가 줄어든다.(선수들이 더 짧은 패스를 하도록 한다.)


3.20.2. Related Tactical Methods

Attacking methods


Shorter passes - from players in the centre back, full back, wing back and defensive midfielder positions.

Control methods

Safe passes (as a result of shorter passes) - from players in the centre back, full back, wing back and defensive midfielder positions.

Time wasting (as a result of safe passes).


3.20.3. Related Player Instructions

Similar player instructions - decreasing the player PASSING DIRECTNESS slider.

Opposing player instructions - increasing the player PASSING DIRECTNESS slider.



3.21. Pass Into Space

공간을 향해 패스하라.


3.21.1. Effects

Instructs all players to make through balls more frequently.

모든 선수들이 더욱 자주 스루패스를 하도록 한다.


3.21.2. Related Tactical Methods

Attacking methods

Through balls.


3.21.3. Related Player Instructions

Similar player instructions - More Risky Passes.

Opposing player instructions - Fewer Risky Passes.



3.22. Passing Directness

직접패스 수준


3.22.1. Effects

Increasing (or expanding) the team PASSING DIRECTNESS slider, e.g. to More Direct Passing or Go Route One:

팀의 다이렉트패스 슬라이드를 증가시킬수록.

Expands the player PASSING DIRECTNESS slider for all players (instructs all players to use a longer passing range).

모든 선수들의 다이렉트패스 슬라이드가 증가한다.(모든 선수들이 더욱 긴 패스를 사용한다.)

Expands the team WIDTH slider (instructs all players to use width to a greater extent).

팀의 좌우폭을 넓힌다.(모든 선수들이 경기장을 넓게 사용하도록 한다.)

Expands the team TEMPO slider (instructs all players to use high tempo play to a greater extent).

팀의 템포 슬라이드를 증가시킨다.(모든 선수들이 더욱 높은 템포로 경기하도록 한다.)

The more the slider is increased or expanded, the more pronounced these effects are.

슬라이드가 더욱 증가할수록 더욱 효과를 받는다.


Decreasing (or compressing) the team PASSING DIRECTNESS slider, e.g. to Shorter Passing:

팀의 다이렉트패스 슬라이드가 감소할수록,

Compresses the player PASSING DIRECTNESS slider for all players (instructs all players to use a shorter passing range).

모든 선수들의 다이렉트패스 슬라이드 감소한다.(모든 선수들이 더욱 짧은 패스를 사용한다.)

Compresses the team WIDTH slider (instructs all players to use width to a lesser extent and, therefore, to use wide support to a greater extent).

팀의 좌우폭을 좁힌다.(모든 선수들이 경기장을 좁게 사용하도록 한다.)

Compresses the team TEMPO slider (instructs all players to use high tempo play to a lesser extent and, therefore, to use low tempo play to a greater extent).

팀의 템포 슬라이드를 감소시킨다.(모든 선수들이 더욱 낮은 템포로 경기하도록 한다.)

The more the slider is decreased or compressed, the more pronounced these effects are.

슬라이드가 감소할수록 더욱 효과를 받는다.


3.22.2. Related Tactical Methods

Increasing (or expanding) the team PASSING DIRECTNESS slider:

Attacking methods


Longer passes.

Focusing play (into wider areas, as a result of width and overloads).

Crosses (as a result of focusing play).

High tempo play.

Overloads (in wider areas, as a result of width).

Decreasing (or compressing) the team PASSING DIRECTNESS slider:

Attacking methods

Shorter passes.

Focusing play (into central areas, as a result of overloads).

Overloads (in central areas, as a result of wide support).

Control methods

Wide support.

Safe passes (as a result of shorter passes).

Low tempo play.

Time wasting (as a result of wide support, safe passes and low tempo play).

Defending methods

Compactness (horizontal compactness, as a result of wide support).


3.22.3. Affected By

어디에서 영향을 받는가.

Team mentality - using a more attacking team mentality expands the team PASSING DIRECTNESS slider (for the attacking and overload team mentalities specifically). Using a more defensive team mentality compresses the team PASSING DIRECTNESS slider (for the defensive and contain team mentalities specifically).

팀성향 - 공격적인 팀성향을 선택할수록 팀의 다이렉트패스 슬라이드는 증가한다.(공격형과 극단적공격형 성향일 때 두드러진다.) 수비적인 팀성향을 선택할수록 다이렉트패스 슬라이드는 감소한다.(수비형과 견제형 성향일 때 두드러진다.)

Clear Ball To Flanks - expands the player PASSING DIRECTNESS slider for players in the sweeper, centre back, full back, wing back and defensive midfielder positions (and, therefore, expands the team PASSING DIRECTNESS slider).

측면으로 공을 걷어내라 - 스위퍼, 센터백, 풀백, 윙백, 그리고 수미 포지션의 선수들의 다이렉트패스 슬라이드를 증가시킨다.(, 팀의 다이렉트패스 슬라이드를 증가시킨다.)

Pump Ball Into Box - expands the player PASSING DIRECTNESS slider for most players not in the attacking midfielder or striker positions (and, therefore, expands the team PASSING DIRECTNESS slider). Players who are assigned any of the Deep-Lying Playmaker, Regista, Advanced Playmaker and Inside Forward roles are unaffected.

페널티박스로 공을 보내라 - 공미, 공격수 포지션을 제외한 모든 선수들의 다이렉트패스 슬라이드를 증가시킨다. 딮라잉플레이메이커, 레지스타, 어드밴스드플레이메이커, 그리고 인사이드포워드 역할은 제외.

Play Out Of Defence - compresses the player PASSING DIRECTNESS slider for players in the sweeper, centre back, full back, wing back and defensive midfielder positions (and, therefore, compresses the team PASSING DIRECTNESS slider).

수비진영에서 침착하게 패스해라 - 스위퍼, 센터백, 풀백, 윙백, 그리고 수미 포지션의 선수들의 다이렉트패스 슬라이드를 줄인다.(, 팀의 다이렉트패스 슬라이드를 줄인다.)

Passing Directness - the team PASSING DIRECTNESS slider and player PASSING DIRECTNESS sliders are linked. Therefore, increasing (or expanding) the player PASSING DIRECTNESS slider for one or more players increases the team PASSING DIRECTNESS slider.

직접패스 수준 - 팀의 다이렉트패스 슬라이드와 선수의 다이렉트패스 슬라이는 연결되어 있다. , 1명 이상 선수의 다이렉트패스 슬라이드를 증가시키면 팀의 슬라이드패스 슬라이드도 증가한다.

Retain Possession - restricts the team PASSING DIRECTNESS slider to Mixed or lower; Compresses the player PASSING DIRECTNESS slider for all players (and, therefore, compresses the team PASSING DIRECTNESS slider).

볼 점유에 집중하라 - 팀의 다이렉트패스 슬라이드를 혼합-낮음 이하로 제한한다. 모든 선수들의 다이렉트패스 슬라이드를 줄인다.(, 팀의 다이렉트패스 슬라이드가 낮아진다.)


3.22.4. Related Player Instructions

Increasing (or expanding) the team PASSING DIRECTNESS slider:

Similar player instructions - increasing the player PASSING DIRECTNESS slider, Stay Wider.

Opposing player instructions - decreasing the player PASSING DIRECTNESS slider, Sit Narrower.

Decreasing (or compressing) the team PASSING DIRECTNESS slider:

Similar player instructions - decreasing the player PASSING DIRECTNESS slider, Sit Narrower.

Opposing player instructions - increasing the player PASSING DIRECTNESS slider, Stay Wider.



3.23. Retain Possession

볼 점유에 집중하라


3.23.1. Effects

Restricts the team PASSING DIRECTNESS slider to Mixed or lower.

팀의 다이렉트패스 슬라이드를 혼합-낮음 이하로 제한한다.

Compresses the player PASSING DIRECTNESS slider for all players (instructs all players to use a shorter passing range).

모든 선수들의 다이렉트패스 슬라이드를 줄인다.(모든 선수들이 더욱 짧은 패스를 사용한다.)

Instructs all players to make risky passes less frequently and, therefore, to make safe passes more frequently.

모든 선수들이 위험을 무릅쓰는 패스의 빈도를 줄이고, 대신 안전한 패스를 더욱 자주 한다.

Compresses the team TEMPO slider (instructs all players to use high tempo play to a lesser extent and, therefore, to use low tempo play to a greater extent).

팀 템포 슬라이드를 줄인다.(모든 선수들이 높은 템포의 플레이 빈도를 낮추고 더 낮은 템포로 플레이하도록 한다.)


3.23.2. Related Tactical Methods

Attacking methods

Shorter passes.

Passes to player (as a result of safe passes).

Control methods

Safe passes.

Low tempo play.

Time wasting (as a result of safe passes and low tempo play).


3.23.3. Related Player Instructions

Similar player instructions - decreasing the player PASSING DIRECTNESS slider, Fewer Risky Passes.

Opposing player instructions - increasing the player PASSING DIRECTNESS slider, More Risky Passes.



3.24. Be More Expressive

자유롭게 플레이하라.


3.24.1. Effects

Instructs all players to play with more creative freedom.

모든 선수들에게 더욱 자유도를 부여한다.


3.24.2. Related Tactical Methods

Attacking methods

Creative freedom.



3.25. Be More Disciplined

전술대로 플레이하라


3.25.1. Effects

Instructs all players to play with less creative freedom and, therefore, to play with more discipline.

모든 선수들에게 더욱 적은 자유도를 주고, 결과적으로 더욱 조직적으로 플레이하도록 한다.


3.25.2. Related Tactical Methods

Control methods


Time wasting (as a result of discipline).



3.26. Hit Early Crosses

빠르게 크로스를 올려라.


3.26.1. Effects

Instructs players in wide playing positions to make crosses more frequently and to make crosses from deeper areas more frequently.

측면에서 플레이하는 선수들에게 더욱 자주 크로스를 올리도록 하며, 또한 깊은 곳에서의 크로스의 빈도도 증가시킨다.

Instructs players in wide playing positions to make dribbles less frequently.

측면에서 플레이하는 포지션의 선수들이 드리블시도를 감소시킨다.



3.26.2. Related Tactical Methods

Attacking methods

Hold-up play (as a result of refraining from dribbles) - from players in wide playing positions.

Crosses - from players in wide playing positions.

Crosses (from deeper areas) - from players in wide playing positions.

Control methods

Hold-up play - from players in wide playing positions.

Refraining from dribbles - from players in wide playing positions.

3.26.3. Related Player Instructions

Similar player instructions - Cross More Often, Cross From Deep, Dribble Less.

Opposing player instructions - Cross Less Often, Cross From Byline, Dribble More.



3.27. Look For Overlap

오버래핑을 노려라.


3.27.1. Effects

Increases the player mentality bar for players in the full back and wing back positions (instructs the players to push up further and play with a higher risk approach).

풀백, 윙백 포지션의 성향을 증가시킨다.(선수들이 위험을 무릅쓰고 더욱 밀어붙이도록 한다.)

Decreases the player mentality bar for players in the wide midfielder and winger positions (instructs the players to sit deeper and play with a lower risk approach).

측미, 윙포워드 포지션의 성향을 감소시킨다.(선수들이 위험을 무릅쓰지 않고 뒤로 내려앉아 플레이한다.)

Instructs players in the full back and wing back positions to make forward runs to a greater extent.

풀백, 윙백 포지션의 선수들이 더욱 앞으로 전진하도록 한다.(make forward run : 성향이 아닌 개인전술의 침투, 돌파의 의미인 듯)

Instructs players in the wide midfielder and winger positions to make forward runs to a lesser extent and, therefore, to hold back to a greater extent.

측미, 윙포워드 포지션이 전진하지 않도록 한다, , 뒤로 물러나 자리를 지킨다.

Instructs players in the wide midfielder and winger positions to make dribbles less frequently.

측미, 윙포워드 포지션이 드리블하는 빈도를 줄인다.


3.27.2. Related Tactical Methods

Attacking methods

Attacking depth (pushing up further) - from players in the full back and wing back positions.

Attacking depth (sitting deeper) - from players in the wide midfielder and winger positions.

Forward runs - from players in the full back and wing back positions.

Holding back - from players in the wide midfielder and winger positions.

Hold-up play (as a result of refraining from dribbles) - from players in the wide midfielder and winger positions.

Passes to player (as a result of holding back) - to players in the wide midfielder and winger positions.

Focusing play (into wider areas, as a result of overloads).

Crosses (as a result of focusing play).

Overloads (in wider areas, as a result of attacking depth, dynamic support and hold-up play).

Overlapping runs (in wider areas, as a result of attacking depth, forward runs, holding back, hold-up play and refraining from dribbles).

Overlapping dribbles (in wider areas, as a result of attacking depth, dribbles and holding back).

Higher risk approach (forward runs, dribbles, risky passes (and, therefore, longer passes and through balls) and speculative shots are used to a slightly greater extent) - from players in the full back and wing back positions.

Lower risk approach (holding back, and shorter passes and passes to player (as a result of safe passes) are used to a slightly greater extent) - from players in the wide midfielder and winger positions.

Control methods

Dynamic support (in wider areas, as a result of forward runs and holding back).

Hold-up play - from players in the wide midfielder and winger positions.

Refraining from dribbles - from players in the wide midfielder and winger positions.

Lower risk approach (refraining from dribbles, safe passes and refraining from shots are used to a slightly greater extent) - from players in the wide midfielder and winger positions.

Defending methods

Compactness (vertical compactness in wide areas, as a result of defensive depth).

Defensive depth (as for attacking depth).


3.27.3. Related Player Instructions

Similar player instructions - increasing the player mentality bar, decreasing the player mentality bar, Get Further Forward, Hold Position, Dribble Less.

Opposing player instructions - decreasing the player mentality bar, increasing the player mentality bar, Hold Position, Get Further Forward, Dribble More.



3.28. Shoot On Sight

슛을 아끼지 말아라.


3.28.1. Effects

Instructs all players to take speculative shots more frequently.

모든 선수들이 투기적인(?) 슛을 더욱 자주 시도한다.

speculative : 이론적인, 순리의, 투기적인 등 다양한 의미가 있는데, 여기에서는 투기성의 슛, 즉 확률이 낮더라도 로또(?)를 바라면서 때리는 슛을 의미하는 듯.


3.28.2. Related Tactical Methods

Attacking methods

Speculative shots.


3.28.3. Related Player Instructions

Similar player instructions - Shoot More Often.

Opposing player instructions - Shoot Less Often.



3.29. Work Ball Into Box

침착하게 골 찬스를 만들어라.


3.29.1. Effects

Instructs all players to take speculative shots less frequently.

모든 선수들이 투기성의 슛을 더욱 적게 시도한다.

Instructs players in wide playing positions to make crosses less frequently.

측면에서 플레이하는 선수들이 더욱 적게 크로스를 올린다.


3.29.2. Related Tactical Methods

Control methods

Refraining from crosses - from players in wide playing positions.

Refraining from shots.

Time wasting (as a result of refraining from crosses and refraining from shots).


3.29.3. Related Player Instructions

Similar player instructions - Shoot Less Often, Cross Less Often.

Opposing player instructions - Shoot More Often, Cross More Often.



3.30. Float Crosses

높은 크로스.


3.30.1. Effects

Instructs players in wide playing positions to float crosses high more frequently when making crosses.

측면에서 플레이하는 선수들이 크로스를 할 때 높은 크로스의 빈도를 높인다.


3.30.2. Related Tactical Methods

Attacking methods

Crosses (floated high) - from players in wide playing positions.



3.31. Whipped Crosses

채찍같은 크로스.


3.31.1. Effects

Instructs players in wide playing positions to whip crosses more frequently when making crosses.

측면에서 플레이하는 선수들이 크로스할 때 휘는(whip)크로스의 빈도를 높인다.


3.31.2. Related Tactical Methods

Attacking methods

Crosses (whipped) - from players in wide playing positions.



3.32. Low Crosses

낮은 크로스


3.32.1. Effects

Instructs players in wide playing positions to drill crosses low more frequently when making crosses.

측면에서 플레이하는 선수들이 크로스할 때 낮은 크로스의 빈도를 높인다.


3.32.2. Related Tactical Methods

Attacking methods

Crosses (drilled low) - from players in wide playing positions.



3.33. Run At Defence

수비진을 뚫어라.


3.33.1. Effects

Instructs players in more advanced playing positions to make dribbles more frequently.

전방에서 플레이하는 선수들이 더욱 자주 드리블을 시도한다.


3.33.2. Related Tactical Methods

Attacking methods

Dribbles - from players in more advanced playing positions.


3.33.3. Related Player Instructions

Similar player instructions - Dribble More.

Opposing player instructions - Dribble Less.



3.34. Dribble Less

드리블 적게


3.34.1. Effects

Instructs players in more advanced playing positions to make dribbles less frequently.

전방에서 플레이하는 선수들의 드리블 빈도가 낮아진다.

전방으로 갈수록 드리블 빈도가 더욱 증가하는 비례관계일 수도 있다. 하지만 드리블 적게지침을 해석해 봤을 때 전방으로 갈수록 더욱 드리블을 적게 시도한다라는게 말이 안되기 때문에, 그냥 전방에서 플레이하는 선수일수록 드리블 지침에 영향을 더 받는다는 정도로 해석하는게 옳은 듯.)


3.34.2. Related Tactical Methods

Attacking methods

Hold-up play (as a result of refraining from dribbles) - from players in more advanced playing positions.

Control methods

Hold-up play - from players in more advanced playing positions.

Refraining from dribbles - from players in more advanced playing positions.

Time wasting (as a result of hold-up play and refraining from dribbles).


3.34.3. Related Player Instructions

Similar player instructions - Dribble Less.

Opposing player instructions - Dribble More



3.35. Stick To Positions

포지션을 고수하라.


3.35.1. Effects

Instructs players in more advanced playing positions to make roaming movement to a lesser extent and, therefore, to make disciplined movement to a greater extent.

전방에서 플레이하는 선수들이 더욱 적게 자리를 배회한다. , 조직적으로 움직인다.


3.35.2. Related Tactical Methods

Control methods

Disciplined movement - from players in more advanced playing positions.

Time wasting (as a result of disciplined movement).


3.35.3. Related Player Instructions

Similar player instructions - Hold Position.

Opposing player instructions - Roam From Position.



3.36. Roam From Positions

포지션 주변을 배회하라.


3.36.1. Effects

Instructs players in more advanced playing positions to make roaming movement to a greater extent.

전방에서 플레이하는 선수들이 더욱 배회하는 움직임을 가진다.


3.36.2. Related Tactical Methods

Attacking methods

Roaming movement - from players in more advanced playing positions.


3.36.3. Related Player Instructions

Similar player instructions - Roam From Position.

Opposing player instructions - Hold Position.



4. Specialised Team Instructions

특수한 팀지침

Specialised team instructions are team instructions that either apply multiple tactical methods to a large extent or apply a single tactical method to an extreme extent.

특수한 팀지침은 여러 항목에 영향을 미치거나 혹은 하나의 항목에 큰 폭으로 영향을 미치는 팀지침들을 말한다.


The specialised team instructions are:

다음과 같은 것들이 있다.(이하 생략)


The overload team mentality

The contain team mentality

Take A Breather

Play Even Safer

Take More Risks

Waste Time

Prevent Short GK Distribution

Use Tighter Marking

Get Stuck In

Stay On Feet

Clear Ball To Flanks

Pump Ball Into Box

Exploit The Left Flank

Exploit The Right Flank

Exploit The Middle

Play Out Of Defence

Pass Into Space

Retain Possession

Hit Early Crosses

Shoot On Sight

Work Ball Into Box

Run At Defence

Dribble Less

Stick To Positions

Roam From Positions

It is advisable to only use a specialised team instruction in either of the following ways:


As part of a match strategy (in particular match scenarios).

In combination with the use of opposing player instructions to instruct particular players to use the related tactical methods to a relatively lesser extent.

For most specialised team instructions similar player instructions can be used instead to fully or partially replicate their effects, but for particular players rather than groups of players. This allows you to gain more control over which players use the related tactical methods to a greater extent. The specialised team instructions that can be fully replicated (for particular players) using similar player instructions are:


Play Even Safer

Take More Risks

Use Tighter Marking

Get Stuck In

Stay On Feet

Play Out Of Defence

Hit Early Crosses

Look For Overlap

Shoot On Sight

Work Ball Into Box

Run At Defence

Dribble Less

Roam From Positions

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